Statewide Monitoring Services Monitoring Information for a New Bureau / Installer
All information supplied to Statewide Monitoring Services will be kept confidential. Information and will not be released to any other Third Parties unless authorized.
Alarm Receivers
We cater for all industry standard Alarm Panels. We have banks of receivers all backed up by our redundancy receivers. Our receivers use Smart 1345 numbers and are therefore accessible anywhere in Australia for the cost of a standard local call. Calls on our 1345 numbers fall back to the mobile network any time the land network fails (without any extra charges).
User Identity
Statewide Monitoring Services utilizes the Access Detection Systems for Windows package. The ADSW allows us to display user numbers and names. This means your clients can be provided reports which will enable them to clearly identify who is entering and leaving their premises. The ADSW is also able to restrict the period for which a user can stay in the premises after the premises is closed. If the user exceeds the allowed time a Late-To-Close alarm will be generated. Typical use of this service is for the case of a cleaner or patrol access.
Statewide Monitoring Services does not have any affiliation with any patrol companies. The One-arms-length between your Monitoring Centre and Patrol Company ensures your clients will receive a more accountable service.
If your client requests patrols to attend on particular events, we must first be advised of their preferred choices for patrol companies. Statewide Monitoring Services will not accept any costs or invoices for patrol attendances. We can provide a list of patrol companies, covering most areas, from our database.
Each client should have 2 patrol companies nominated.
Where a Patrol has been specified to be despatched
The Client agrees to pay for all Patrol Despatch made by Statewide Monitoring Services on their behalf no matter the circumstances;
On a best effort basis, if a Disarm by a Authorised user code is received within 1 minute from the last alarm, the Patrols will not be despatched.
Public Holidays
Due to the increases in Business trading hours over the years (24/7 trading) all Public holidays are treated the same as any other weekday. All schedules will remain unchanged unless specified in writing.
Remote Services
We will consider the remote securing of premises if the bureau is able to supply the necessary Information or software.
We will charge $20 per successful secure. Statewide Monitoring Services will not under any circumstance disarm, isolate or make any programming changes to the panel.
Bureau Responsibilities
Client Management
Our operators react and respond to the Alarm Monitoring situations of your clients. This, however, is only one part in providing a complete Alarm Monitoring Service to your clients.
You, the Bureau, are responsible for the management of your clients. Only you have more intimate knowledge of your clients and their premises that is necessary to decipher problems or potential problems.
Our WebQuery services offer you the best tools to manage your clients as it has real-time and interactive services and reports. We advise that you take advantage of these services, by logging into our WebQuery daily, so that you can provide your customers with a better and more complete Alarm Monitoring Service.
Our Bureau web services provide you with the necessary management tools including:
Executive Summary - Real-Time (to the minute) summaries of all your clients:
Last Events – shows you clients that have not had an event for a notable period. This may indicate a problem with panel communications.
Unrestored Zones – shows unrestored zones that have been left for a notable period. This may indicate problems with zones.
Delinquent Zones – shows zones that have not reported any activities. This may indicate a probable detector fault or fault with installation.
Undefined Zones – shows zones that have not been defined. This may indicate a probable service report from default messages from panels thatyou are unaware of or a bad commissioning with incomplete details given to Statewide Monitoring Services.
Other stats like number of phone calls made, patrols despatched, Battery faults etc. This may indicate a bad setup, that user training is required, or that service is required.
Client updates – Update your client details securely online. Your updates will be checked by an operator and entered into the system.
An up to the minute log of events from all your clients. You can use this onsite and it can aid you in the installation and commissioning process without verifying with Statewide Monitoring Services other than to inform Statewide Monitoring Services that you are onsite.
Client Details
It is the Bureau’s responsibility to keep their clients details up-to-date. Statewide Monitoring Services offer a client update service available 24/7 via the WebQuery. Alternatively, client updates may be emailed of faxed to us.
Statewide Monitoring Services Alarm Responses
It is the Bureau’s responsibility to alert the client of our expectations and responses to certain Alarm situations.
False Alarms
A very high percentage of our alarm handling activities are due to false alarms either because of poor installations, accidents or user errors intentional or otherwise. This directly affects and reduces our operational efficiencies in attending to more urgent situations.
Accidentally Activated Alarms - We require that the client call us immediately whenever an alarm is tripped intentionally or otherwise.
Out-of-Hours Entry - If a designated period is defined where entry is not allowed, the clients should contact the Monitoring Centre immediately after entering the premises. Minimizing False Alarms is a major goal and we keep records and do statistical analysis of these records to reduce them. We track and record repeat offenders and if it is judged excessive we will inform you of the situation. In some circumstances, we may be forced to review the Monitoring rates.
Duress, Hold-up, and Panic
According to the police Force Direct Access Service guidelines (Alarm v1.3 – Schedule One), Police will be despatched for:
Hold Up Alarms (Commercial Premises)
Defined as alarms installed in commercial premises, designed to be activated by a deliberate dual button/switch operation by a person who is being confronted with a weapon or threat of violence with a weapon for the purpose of robbery.
Duress Alarms at High Risk Premises (Commercial)
Examples of high risk commercial premises include, but are not limited to:
Police Stations
Centrelink Offices
Armoured Vehicles
Firearms Dealers
Premises where goods are stored that constitute a risk to the public (as endorsed)
Duress Alarms at High Risk Premises (Residential)
Examples of high risk private premises include, but are not limited to:
Politician, Judge or Magistrate’s residences
Firearms Dealers/Gun Collectors
Statewide Monitoring Services will place a call to the site after 30 minutes to check if any further assistance is required, and to determine if the police have attended. This procedure is in line with ASIAL and Emergency Service protocols.
Bureau Obligation and Acknowledgement
The bureau acknowledges that Statewide Monitoring Services is not an insurer of the premises or other property and risks, and that the services provided by Statewide Monitoring Services cannot be guaranteed to prevent all or any unauthorized entry, loss or damage at the premises. It is extremely advisable for the customer to effect and maintain insurance policies in respect of all usual risks including fire, theft, injury and consequential loss or damage.
Commissioning Clients
When commissioning a client back to Statewide Monitoring Services, we have a few procedures to adhere to:
Statewide Monitoring Services will issue the Bureau with a block of account numbers in advance. These are your numbers and you may reuse them as frequently as you like.
When a technician installs a system we require that they phone the Monitoring Centre and supply our operators with an account number from the block of account numbers supplied. At this time, we require the following information:
Premises name
Phone number
Type of panel installed
The technician can then commence sending signals.
Once installation is completed we require a full commissioning sheet to be emailed to dataentry@statewidemonitoring.com.au or faxed to (07) 3848 1666
It must be made very clear to your customer, the client, that it takes up to 2 working days for the System to be fully functional on agreed terms. This also means that you have 1 business day to send us the completed commissioning sheet, and that we have 1 business day to act on it. Any delay in your submission of the commissioning sheet to us will affect the full commissioning of the system. A full commissioning of the system is effected only after we have entered the data from the commissioning sheet into our system.
Note - until we receive a complete commissioning sheet the only action we can take when we receive an alarm is to call the site and/or you the Bureau.
Account Administration;
Accounts Billing System;
Invoices will be sent every month either by post or email attached will be an excel sheet outlining all online clients.
Any Customers that are commissioned by the end of the month will be added to that invoice
All invoices are net 7 days payment
Any equipment purchased by the Installer / Bureau will be on a 7 day account and a written purchase order will be required
All Patrol Attendances will be billed to the Installer / Bureau and are payable within 7 days of date of invoice
An Administration fee of $10.00 per invoice will apply
Bureau Minimum Requirements
After six months monitoring with Statewide Monitoring Services the Installer / Bureau must have a minimum of 10 paying lines with a monthly invoice in excess of $40.00 or more, otherwise retail rates will apply and Installer / Bureau will be charged for each line as per those rates.
Cancellations / Suspensions:
All Cancellations must be in writing to the Central Station.
For all Cancellations before the invoicing date or end of the month, will be charged for that month.
All Cancellations after the invoicing date or end of the month will have been billed to the end of the month and no credits will be issued on that invoice.
All Clients suspensions must be in writing and will only be applied for five weeks.
Refunds and Credits:
An Installer / Bureau is entitled to a credit for the following reasons:
They are charged more than quoted
They have paid for a service they did not receive
An attendance provided was not authorised or instructions were followed correctly
All claims must be made with 30 days or no credits will be issued
Installers / Bureaus will need to provide the clients Name and Address and reason for requesting a credit
Once approved by the Administration Manager a credit will be issued on the next monthly invoice. No Cheques or cash payments will be made.
All claims are to be directed to the Administration Manager by email accounts@statewidemonitoring.com.au or fax to 07 3392 6283 between 0900 to 1600 Monday to Friday.